We dont owe them. They owe us

When the financial crisis hit, they told us we needed to bail them out.
When they forced their politics of austerity on us, they told us it was because we had spent too much.
With the climate crisis deepening, they push us into fuel poverty and keep on burning fossil fuels.

We dont owe them. They owe us

When the financial crisis hit, they told us we needed to bail them out.
When they forced their politics of austerity on us, they told us it was because we had spent too much.
With the climate crisis deepening, they push us into fuel poverty and keep on burning fossil fuels.

This is the wheels of capitalism turning. Governments helping corporations
rake in ever-greater profits.

Is this the way it is going to go?

In June the UK hosts the G8 summit – a meeting of the 1% to ensure more
business as usual.
On June 14th, we will gather in Canary Wharf, the icon of profits for the few and disaster for the many. We will transform a space, bringing beauty to the soulless heart of the crisis.
Join us to resist, create and imagine…

12.30pm, Friday 14 June
Canary Wharf

ACTION UPDATE:We condemn the heavy handed policing at the Stop G8 action on Tuesday 11 June, and maintain our intention to gather at Canary Wharf on Friday 14th.

This Friday we will assemble in front of Canary Wharf tube at 12.30pm. We
will then have approximately three hours of workshops, speakers and entertainment, as well as a creative art area. The action will end with an assembly facilitated by Occupy London and then a game of Capture the Flag.

This action aims to be accessible to all, and we expect a wide range of
people including children and elderly activists to participate. See our website for more details:

We stand in solidarity with those who were arrested on Tuesday. We continue to assert our right to assemble on our streets in public and show
that other worlds are possible.

They owe us! Shift the debt