Thousands of Tibetans mobilize to defend Sacred Mountains

May 18, 2010
A massive police crackdown may be imminent in the Tibetan Autonomous Region (TAR), where thousands of Tibetan villagers have mobilized to defend their sacred mountains from exploitation.

Stop Mining Tibet protestMay 18, 2010
A massive police crackdown may be imminent in the Tibetan Autonomous Region (TAR), where thousands of Tibetan villagers have mobilized to defend their sacred mountains from exploitation.

According to reports from Radio Free Asia (RFA), the villagers are attempting to halt three separate gold mines in Tsongshen, Choeten, and Deshoe in Markham county, TAR.

As many as five thousand Chinese troops have been called in to make sure the mining operations proceed.

A local Tibetan source, who spoke to RFA on condition of anonymity, says at least five protesters have already been injured in the protests, while numerous others have been beaten and tear-gassed by the troops. One also “attempted to kill himself with a broken bottle, the source said.”

Almost exactly one year ago, the same Tibetan villagers organized an indefinite roadblock to protect one of their sacred mountains, known locally as “Ser Ngul Lo.”

Translated into English as “Year of Gold and Silver”, Ser Ngul Lo has been worshipped by the Tibetans for centuries and it is the site of important ceremonies conducted in times of drought.

Government officials at the time granted a Chinese company permission to operate a gold mine in the region–most certainly, without consulting the Tibetans or gaining their consent.

In addition to protecting the Mountain, the villagers were also deeply concerned that their drinking water would be contaminated by the mine. And with a tense stand-off that ensued, the peaceful villagers declared that they were “ready to die” to protect the sacred site. The Tibetans feared the worst.

But then, as the international community watched on, the unimaginable happened: Government officials sat down with the Tibetans and reached a peaceful accord.

For their part, the officials agreed to completely abandon the gold mine and withdraw all troops in the area. In addition, they agreed to build a concrete barrier to stop any old mining waste from leaching into the local water system.

In return, the Tibetans agreed to end their 24-hour blockade and return home.