Three days of action against Shell

December 13, 2011

Protesters give Shell an early Christmas present

December 13, 2011

Protesters give Shell an early Christmas present

The Shell to Sea campaign is still running strong 11 years after the inception of the Corrib gas project. Everyday people are becoming aware of the people's struggle against Shell, but still more are needed to come and see for themselves and save our country from the global corporate takeover.

On Friday 9th of December, Rossport Solidarity Campaign [] continued with the locals' protest slowing down Shell's work, spirits were high and people were pleased with the action despite the Chief’s legal judgement [] people still braced the cold conditions to continue the protest.

On Saturday the 10th a Day Of Action commenced with groups of people from all over the country coming out to support the Shell to Sea campaign. People from the Occupy camps [] in Galway, Dublin and Cork came to protest Shell's occupation of Erris. Protesters stood outside the compound at Aghoos for 2 hours preventing any work from starting. The action was a success and no Garda presence was noticed.

On Monday 12th a spontaneous action happened at the refinery site at Ballinaboy with 15 protesters from various parts of the country managing to stop up to 12 trucks simultaneously for an hour, no arrests were made, the small Garda presence were no match for the swiftness and bravery of the protesters. The only casualty was a bike unlawfully confiscated by the Garda.

On Tuesday 13th the regular protest took place at the Ballinaboy compound. Around 15 protesters were met with an equal number of Gardai who prevented people walking on the road. The right to peaceful protest was met with the threat of arrest. People still managed to stop 7 trucks for 40 minutes. Strong cold winds and hail, combined with the protesters, stopped Shell doing any work on the Tuesday.

Through the internet and Occupy groups in various Irish cities there is an outlet for information of upcoming actions and events. January 13th is the next Day Of Action; all are welcome to come and change our nation's history.