Traps & Enclosures Sabotaged – Ilkley Moor Shoot

Grouse Liberation Front Communique:

“Up in the White Crag plantation off Ilkley moor. A large grouse pen was identified and trashed, the water pipes and distributors were left split and smashed. The wire fencing from the entire enclosure was brought down. The electric fencing was cut and the system destroyed. Two set fen traps were discovered and placed permanently out of commission.

Grouse Liberation Front Communique:

“Up in the White Crag plantation off Ilkley moor. A large grouse pen was identified and trashed, the water pipes and distributors were left split and smashed. The wire fencing from the entire enclosure was brought down. The electric fencing was cut and the system destroyed. Two set fen traps were discovered and placed permanently out of commission.

Two smaller pens were found nearby and the netting roof and wire surrounds were left in tatters. Feeders in the area were also tampered with.

Grouse Liberation Front”

Reported by Bite Back Magazine

Related news:

Ilkley Moor Grouse Shoot – Update & Action Alert
English Nature – Backing Bloodsports
Stop Grouse Shooting on Ilkley Moor
West Yorkshire Hunt Sabs Launched | Link


“Up around High Moor, Ilkley, activists located two small grouse pens which were put out of use. The contents of the pens were destroyed. A fen trap was found nearby and also destroyed. Along the moor a line of stone grouse butts were toppled, and wooden butts smashed. Into the High Moor woodland, and a large pheasant pen was found, the walls were brought down and two traps tampered with, water pipes were cut and other items left broken. Feeders were also attended to.

This action is dedicated to the Austrian prisoners.

Animal Liberation Front”

Anonymous report from Bite Back Magazine