Trial Set for McDonalds Protester!

Date for trial set for Cambridge protester. Support appreciated!

The campaigner who was arrested under Section 5 of the Public Order Act in a McLibel anniversary protest in Cambridge (See for details and video) had his first hearing last Thursday. A trial date of the 15th Sep, 10.00 a.m. at Cambridge Magistrates Court at 43 Hauxton Road, Cambridge was set. The court set a full day trial for the case.

Date for trial set for Cambridge protester. Support appreciated!

The campaigner who was arrested under Section 5 of the Public Order Act in a McLibel anniversary protest in Cambridge (See for details and video) had his first hearing last Thursday. A trial date of the 15th Sep, 10.00 a.m. at Cambridge Magistrates Court at 43 Hauxton Road, Cambridge was set. The court set a full day trial for the case.

The prosecution handed over witness statements and said they wanted to use CCTV from McDonalds as well as a Youtube video (see Well, have a look and judge for yourself. What an evil dangerous protest, right?

The campaigner is still awaiting his request for legal aid and so has no representation at this time.

Section 5 of the Public Order Act basically is words or behaviour likely to cause ‘harassment, alarm or distress’ and as we all know holding a placard and expressing your views in McDonalds is very harassing, alarming and distressing and a terrible crime!

Trial Date:
15th Sep, 10.00 a.m. at Cambridge Magistrates Court at 43 Hauxton Road, Cambridge – Support Welcome!