Twelve Hour Blockade Against Rare Earth Metal Exploration, Canada



The 23rd July we stopped the Canadian corporation Tasman Metals’ test drillings for rare earth elements (REE) in Norra Kärr, Sweden. We heard they probably had been securing the place with CCTV-cameras so we decided to drive as fast as possible right into the enemy claimed forest, straight through any alarm system. Then we ran a few kilometers until we found the drilling rig. Using bike-locks we chained our bodies to the nasty machine. We alerted some media with a press release. Then some cops came with people from the corporation in a few hours. They gathered 20 something cops but Tasman decided not to intervene even though we were breaking the law. They didn’t want the extra fuzz from brutal cop-violence. So we could stay at the beautiful site with the ugly machine the whole day talking to journalists and drinking coffee with excited supporters.

We know rare earth mining has been apocalyptic in desert biomes due to all the toxic waste. This mine would be right next to Swedens biggest drinking water reserve, the beautiful lake Vättern. It’s got bright clear water and supports 260 000 people with clean water at the moment, more cities want to plug in! Tasman Metals is hiding its ugly plans to make investors gamble with human and non-human health and we will not allow that!

In solidarity with all people fighting patriarchy and the white mans colonial worldview!

More pictures on the campaign website.