Two airport protesters arrested near Oxford

13 September 2009
Two climate change activists have been arrested after breaching security at Oxford Airport.

The pair, from the Climate Rush group, climbed under a hedge and jumped over a fence to reach the runway area on Saturday afternoon.

They had been taking part in a picnic outside the airport which was organised by Climate Rush as a protest against the airport’s expansion.

13 September 2009
Two climate change activists have been arrested after breaching security at Oxford Airport.

The pair, from the Climate Rush group, climbed under a hedge and jumped over a fence to reach the runway area on Saturday afternoon.

They had been taking part in a picnic outside the airport which was organised by Climate Rush as a protest against the airport’s expansion.

They were held on suspicion of aggravated trespass and bailed.

A Thames Valley Police spokeswoman said: “About 30 people had a picnic, but two of them gained access to the main airport, and were arrested just after they got into it. They did not cause any disruption.”

‘Enviable example’

The airport, in Kidlington, Oxfordshire, recently rebranded itself as London Oxford Airport despite being nearly 60 miles from the centre of London.

A Climate Rush spokeswoman said it was protesting against plans to expand the airport by increasing its number of flights, adding: “More flights can only mean more emissions, more noise, and more local pollution.”

In July, the small airport flew its first scheduled charter flight for 20 years when 50 passengers travelled to Jersey.

The airport’s managing director Steve Jones said: “The protest was entirely peaceful.

“No-one was anywhere near our passenger terminal or other important airport facilities and we do not consider we had a security breach yesterday.

“London Oxford Airport takes its environmental responsibilities extremely seriously and it is disappointing that these protestors are attacking an airport that is actually providing an enviable example on how to develop sustainable aviation.”

Air transport movements and corresponding noise and emissions have decreased by some 67% over the last 10 years, the airport said.