Two La Parota Resisters Attacked With Machetes

14th October The Land is Not for Sale! A community in resistance to La Parota dam.

14th October The Land is Not for Sale! A community in resistance to La Parota dam.

UPDATE (10/15/2013): Although the attack happened on Oct 11, the federal Public Ministry (responsible for investigating and prosecuting crimes) has yet to visit the men in the hospital to take any statement from them.

Two members of the Council of Ejidos and Communities in Opposition to La Parota Dam (CECOP) were attacked at their home with machetes on Friday, Oct 11, by supporters of the dam project. Both of the men, Rodrigo León Jacinto and Isidro Saligán Guadalupe, are still under medical supervision. Saligán may lose an eye. Both men and all five of their attackers (four men and a woman) come from the village of Huamuchitos.

The attackers are believed to have fled the area.