Upcoming action dates, activist gatherings, & the official meetings en route to the Copenhagen climate summit, 2009 – updated

‘Official’ meetings on the Road to Copenhagen:

31 March to 8 April 2009
First Post-Kyoto Climate Negotiations (UNFCCC Intercessional Meeting), Bonn, Germany

‘Official’ meetings on the Road to Copenhagen:

31 March to 8 April 2009
First Post-Kyoto Climate Negotiations (UNFCCC Intercessional Meeting), Bonn, Germany
The first meeting on the “road to Copenhagen” and first international climate meeting for the Obama administration. Expected Outcome: Broad discussions on respective mitigation goals for developed and developing countries. However, it is unclear whether President Obama will have a climate negotiator and under secretary in place at this time so there will real “negotiating” at this meeting. http://unfccc.int/meetings/items/2654.php

2 April 2009
G20 Meeting, London, England
This will likely be President Obama’s first large-scale meeting with other world leaders. The agenda will likely look to tackle the financial crisis, but the G20 website mentions the need to “make progress on long-term issues such as climate change and international development.” Expected Outcome: Develop a commitment that the global economic recovery will factor in carbon emissions. http://www.g20.org/

24-26 May 2009
World Business Summit on Climate Change, Copenhagen, Denmark
The Copenhagen Climate Council is organizing the World Business Summit on Climate Change, which will bring together the business community, top scientists, economists and other leading thinkers. Expected Outcome: Issue recommendations for the next international global warming agreement. http://www.copenhagenclimatecouncil.com/

1-12 June 2009
Second Post-Kyoto Climate Negotiations (UNFCCC Intercessional Meeting), Bonn, Germany
Draft negotiating text is expected to be issued before or during this meeting and will likely be very general with all the contentious items placed in brackets, but it will be the basis for actual negotiations. Expected Outcome: Draft negotiating text. http://unfccc.int/meetings/items/2654.php

8-10 July 2009
G8 Summit, La Maddalena, Italy
The host, Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, does not share the commitment to addressing climate change of previous G8 hosts. Addressing climate at this meeting will be critical for keeping momentum toward Copenhagen. Expected Outcome: G8 Agreement setting the stage for Copenhagen

31 August – 4 September 2009
World Climate Conference Three, Geneva, Switzerland
The World Climate Conferences (WCC) is the major “scientific” meeting for 2009 and is the third in a series of international meetings, organized by the World Meteorological Organization
about global climate issues. The second WCC in 1979 resulted in the creation of the U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. http://www.wmo.int/pages/world_climate_conference/index_en.html Expected Outcome: Group will address climate prediction, disaster risk reduction and adaptation to climate change.

August 2009 (date not set)
Third Post-Kyoto Climate Negotiations (UNFCCC Intercessional Meeting), Bangkok, Thailand
This is the third meeting on the “road to Copenhagen” and, by this point, parities should have set their negotiating positions so the framework for the next international treaty can start to be crafted. Expected Outcome: Nation’s set negotiating positions. http://unfccc.int/meetings/items/2654.php

21-25 September 2009
United Nations General Assembly Climate Summit, Copenhagen
New York, New York – *UN Secretary General Bon Ki Moon has indicated that he plans to hold a special session with heads of state to address climate change. Expected Outcome: Indications of nation’s negotiating position for

October 2009 (date not set)
Fourth Post-Kyoto Climate Negotiations (UNFCCC Intercessional Meeting/Minister’s Meeting), Location to be determined
Expected Outcome: Final draft text agreed to. This is the final negotiating session before Copenhagen and may be attended only by environment ministers making it a closed door meeting designed to set the stage for COP 15.

7-18 December 2009
UNFCCC Conference of the Parties 15, Copenhagen, Denmark
If there is to be no gap between the Kyoto Protocol and a new agreement, a framework must be agreed to at this meeting. Expected Outcome: New international global warming treaty. http://www.cop15.dk/en

2010 (dates unconfirmed)
UNFCCC Conference of the Parties 16, Jamaica


Old dates from this calendar:

Compiled at the recent EF! Winter Moot (scroll down for your summer of fun – dates up until December ’09):

21-22 February 2009
No Borders UK gathering, Bristol

26 February 2009
Demonstrations at UK Coal Awards (www.climaterush.co.uk) & at UK Coal HQ (www.northernclimaterush.wordpress.com)

5 March 2009
Next Climate Rush, London
> http://earthfirst.org.uk/actionreports/node/22254

13-15 March 2009
EF! Treeplanting, Hebden Bridge
(trees@riseup.net > www.earthfirst.org.uk/actionreports/node/22158)

13-15 March 2009
COP15 International Mobilisation Network meeting, Copenhagen, Denmark (www.climateaction09.org)

14-15 March
National squat meetup, Bristol

21-22 March 2009
Climate Camp Carbon Trading Education Weekend, London

21-22 March 2009
Direct Action training, 10am at Cowley Club, Brighton

1 April 2009 Fossil/Financial Fools Day
G20 Protests + Events List + Locations Map
Squaring up to the Square Mile: the London G20 map

Climate Camp in the City, London (www.climatecamp.org.uk/g20)
G20 Meltdown at the Bank of England (www.g20meltdown.org)
Fossil Fools’ Day, everywhere (www.risingtide.org.uk/fossilfoolsday2009)
Times & resource links > http://earthfirst.org.uk/actionreports/node/22258

* G20 Critical Mass
9:00 AM Meet at Bank Junction (Bank tube station) EC2

* Financial Fools Day Street Party
Assemble at Cannon Street, Moorgate, Liverpool Street or London Bridge stations 11am to form four marching blocks heading towards the Bank of England for 12-noon, in the ‘Square Mile’ of the City of London.
See: http://www.g-20meltdown.org/
Bring a portable radio!

* Climate Camp in the City
The climate camp are camping in the European Carbon Exchange, Hasilwood house, City of London 12-noon.
See: http://www.climatecamp.org.uk/g20
Final update on what to bring and what to do where at http://earthfirst.org.uk/actionreports/node/22291

* Fossil Fools Day: ‘Your Party’s Over!’ *** POSTPONED by BP following police advice. ***
Climate Criminal BP is celebrating its centenary with cocktails and canapes at the British Musem. And we will be there too, between 6-7pm, to say ‘Your party’s over!’
Meet at 6pm at the British Museum’s Gt. Russell St. gate
See: http://www.fossilfoolsdayofaction.org
Bring banners, musical instruments, a sense of climate justice and a nonsense of foolery.

2 April 2009
* Crash the Stock Exchange
Eat capitalism for breakfast. Disrupt the traders whose financial egomania perpetuates global injustice: let’s shutdown trading for the day.
Meet outside the London Stock Exchange, 10 Paternoster Square, City of London, London EC4M. 7am (traders arrive at 7am, trading commencing 8am). Nearest tube: St Pauls – have a pleasant journey in… tubes might be busy.
* Excel Centre
Direct action all day against the Excel Centre, Canning Town where the G20 will be meeting
ExCeL London, One Western Gateway, Royal Victoria Dock, London, E16 1XL
A coalition of groups including: The Palestine Solidarity Campaign, Stop the War Coalition, The British Muslim Initiative, and CND have called two protests at the G20; a march and rally in central London on the afternoon of April 1st, and a protest to the conference itself on April 2nd.

3-5 April 2009
Demonstrations at NATO 60TH Anniversary Summit, Baden-Baden, Germany & Strasbourg, France

24 April-5 May 2009
Coal Caravan, cycling from Nottingham, through Derbyshire, Yorkshire & .
Stopping off at a variety of open-cast sites, power stations and other beautiful places! Full details of how to book, itinerary for where to join.
(caravan@climatecamp.org.uk > www.coalcaravan.org.uk)

25/26th April 2009
Sizewell anti-nuclear Camp and Demo

2-3rd May 2009
Anti-militarist conference, Brighton

4th May 2009
Smash EDO Mayday! Mayday! Street party against war and greed, Brighton.

6 May 2009
A Wake for BP at the oil behemoth’s centenary party

29 May-1 June
Rossport Solidarity Camp summer gathering

1 June
Climate Rush Pedal Power

6 June 2009
Eco-village occupation, SW London

6-7 June 2009
National Anarchist Gathering, London

11-14 June 2009
Scottish Climate Camp Convergence

23th-29th June 2009
Calais No Borders Camp

3-5 July
Forest Circus festival, Lappersfort, Belgium

8-10 July 2009
Demonstrations at G8 Summit, La Maddalena, Italy

11-12 July 2009
Anti-Militarist Network Gathering, Nottingham

11-19 July 2009
Danish Climate Camp, near Copenhagen

12-19 July 2009
Das Klima Workshop Festival/Le camp climatique, near Berne, Switzerland

18th-? July
Saving Iceland Summer Mobilisation 2009

20–26 July 2009
NO to Uranium Power – Antinuclear Climate Camp, Tervola, Finland

23rd-27th July 2009, Oxfordshire.
You are invited to Peace News’ first ever summer camp.

3-9 August 2009
French Camp Action Climat, Notre Dame des Landes, Nantes

3-9 August 2009
Dutch/Belgian Climate Camp

3-10 August 2009
Scottish Camp for Climate Action

13-16 August 2009
Climate Camp Cymru, Near Merthyr Tydfil, South Wales

15-23 August 2009
Irish Climate Camp

18-24 August 2009
Earth First! Summer Gathering, Cumbria

20-23 August 2009 IN SALENTO, NUCLEAR CLIMATE CAMP, Italy – Lecce
More info

21-23 August 2009
Beyond Borders weekend, Nottingham
A weekend of skillsharing and discussion about fighting border controls and showing solidarity with migrants

27 August-2 September 2009
UK Camp for Climate Action – convergence within the M25/London (www.climatecamp.org.uk)

September 2009 (dates unconfirmed)
Climate Camp, South Australia

North American action camps summer 2009
international list of Convergences for Climate Action

12-20 September 2009
Bristol Co-Mutiny

18-19 September 2009
squats and autonomous spaces – 2 days of direct action around housing and the creation of more autonomous spaces at this time of crisis. See link

10-11 October
Workers’ Climate Action conference, London

12-16 October 2009
Global Mobilisation in Defence of Mother Earth and the Peoples
called by the 4th Continental Summit of Indigenous Peoples Abya Yala (”America”)
More info/resources

16-18 October 2009
COP15 International Mobilisation Network meeting

17-18 October 2009
The Great Climate Swoop, closing down Ratcliffe-on-Soar coal-fired power station
More info

24 October 2009
London Anarchist Bookfair

24 October 2009
International Day of Climate Action

31 October-1 November

31 Oct-1 Nov 2009
Gathering Against the Prison Society, Brighton
Discussions & presentations about the struggle for liberation, inside and outside of the prison walls
More info

21-22 November 2009
No New Nuclear. Planning to win strategising weekend, London

28 November-1 December 2009
Weekend of Action and Workshops at Mainshill Solidarity Camp

5 December 2009
COP15 OUT, a secret plan to take a space in the City of London away from and after the Wave. It’s time to show our ‘leaders’ how we’re going to take action to reduce emissions ourselves.

3-9 December 2009
Social and Climate Justice Caravan from the WTO Ministerial in Geneva to the COP15 summit in Copenhagen.

7-18 December 2009
Demonstrations at COP15 Summit, Copenhagen, Denmark
See this article for background & links to Action Guide & Map

7-18 December 2009
Klimaforum: People’s Climate Summit

11 December 2009
* Our Climate! Not Your Business! (organised direct action to stop Corporations taking part in COP process)

12 December 2009
* Flood for Climate Justice (demonstration by FoE)
* Global day of Action
* March for Climate Justice (including system change, not climate change bloc)
* Don’t Nuke the Climate! International Day of Action

13 December 2009
Hit the Production of Climate Chaos
* Farmers action (Via Campesina against agro-industry)

14 December 2009
* No Borders, No Climate Refugees! (Day of action in Copenhagen. Call to action to international no borders groups during the COP 15 in Copenhagen)
* Reparations for Climate Debt

15 December 2009
* Resistance is Ripe! Agriculture Action Day (Change the food system not the climate)

16 December 2009
* RECLAIM POWER! – Pushing for Climate Justice! (Mass action to enter the COP15 conference area and disrupt the sessions in order to hold a People’s Summit for Climate Justice. Confrontational civil disobedience)

18 December 2009
* (last official day of the summit) – “Never Trust a COP” actions throughout the city