Update from Hambach: Action Day Ticker!



The Hambach is a forest in Germany proposed for lignite (brown coal) strip mining. There is currently a forest occupation underway, as well as an action camp, and action days at the end of every month.

September 16th, 2014

from Hambach Forest




Today, the new part of the Au­to­bahn, which they built to help fur­ther the ex­pan­si­on of the mine, will be opened with an of­fi­ci­al ce­le­bra­ti­on. Ap­pa­r­ent­ly, the po­li­ce chose the same day to dis­turb our re­sis­tan­ce in the fo­rest and on the mea­dow. They ap­peared as early as 8:00h this morning and are gi­ving us trou­b­le since then. Fol­low us here today, we will re­gu­lar­ly pu­blish new up­dates, ti­cker-​style.

8:00 First ap­pearan­ce of cops in the fo­rest and on the mea­dow, buil­ding up to around 100 cops at 8:30
8:20 Per­son at­ta­cked by po­li­ce for now re­a­son, ex­cept as­king what they want
8:30 Re­mo­val of bar­ri­ca­des on the fo­rest paths, takes them about 2 hours
10:20 Po­li­ce are try­ing to evict beech town (tree oc­cupa­ti­on) de­s­troy­ing ever­y­thing on the ground – clim­bing units are pre­sent
10:30 Po­li­ce are amas­sing at plane han­gar close to mea­dow – we‘re no lon­ger re­acha­ble by car
11.​20 Po­li­ce van by the mea­dow oc­cupa­ti­on
11.​40 Po­li­ce and RWE on way to de­s­troy kit­chen near mea­dow
11.​50 Food packs for the po­li­ce (it locks that they want to work lon­ger)
12.​00 The ope­ning of the high­way A4 starts – 400 peop­le on of­fi­ci­al ope­ning (ho­no­red guests) The de­mons­tra­ti­on against it with 50 peop­le works, but not di­rect­ly by the ope­ning party, 50 po­li­ce are there – traf­fic mi­nis­ter tal­king shit
12.​10 the bar­ri­ca­des to düren are evic­ted and the po­li­ce are blo­cka­ding the way to beech town
12.​28 the po­li­ce start to come on the mea­dow oc­cupa­ti­on, hiding duty num­bers. Po­li­ce­block from Aa­chen: (Li­cen­se Plate NRW-​4-​4623, pic­tu­re of po­li­ce stan­ding on the mea­dow )
12.​50 the of­fi­ci­al ope­ning at the high­way is over.
13.​10 po­li­ce „re­tre­ats“ a bit, lea­ving oa­k­town, a tre­e­hou­se oc­cupa­ti­on, for now.
13:20 Po­li­ce no lon­ger vi­si­ble on the mea­dow
13:25 News from the fo­rest – one har­vester (ma­chi­ne for cut­ting trees) is da­ma­ged (fluids lea­king out)
13:30 Peop­le are doing a sit­ting blo­cka­de in the Fo­rest, on the way to beech town oc­cupa­ti­on
13:40 A small group of peop­le got con­trol­led by Po­li­ce, one per­son ar­rested for lack of I.D.
13:40 Har­vester is dri­ve­able again, but is lea­ving the Fo­rest, pro­tec­ted by RWE and Po­li­ce
15:00 No more po­li­ce or other en­emies in the Fo­rest – one se­cu­ri­ty car was pas­sing through the re­mo­ved bar­ri­ca­des, but left again quite quick­ly. The ti­cker will go on break for now, if there’s any more ac­tion we‘ll be up­dating again.

some pic­tu­res of today: 16.​09.​14