Update from the ongoing Mainshill eviction, day 4

The ongoing eviction of Mainshill Solidarity Camp entered its fourth day with the struggle to clear the sycamores continuing.

Yesterday the battle for the sycamores had started with the removal of the skyraft, and one protestor being hauled out of a tree.

Snow and Anarchy at MainshillThe ongoing eviction of Mainshill Solidarity Camp entered its fourth day with the struggle to clear the sycamores continuing.

Yesterday the battle for the sycamores had started with the removal of the skyraft, and one protestor being hauled out of a tree.

Treehouses were destroyed and the remaining anti-coal activists were left without tarps, bedding or in some cases, a way down the tree.

During the course of today, five other people were evicted from the sycamores.

The hidden treetop camp known as ‘Ewok Village’ was cleared as well with climbers tackling some tough defences.

In all, there were nine arrests.

A huge amount of heavy machinery has been moved onto site, so opportunities for actions to stop work on site are literally everywhere.

“The fight isn’t over yet”, said the almost infamous Barry Cader, recently released on bail.