Urgent Update – Navy arrive to protect Shell – Beach on lockdown illegaly

August 29, 2008
Urgent callout for support

In the past two hours a mass of State and Shell security has assembled in Broadhaven bay including a heavily armed navy vessel.

This is to protect the first attempt at laying the offshore section of pipe.

LE OrlaAugust 29, 2008
Urgent callout for support

In the past two hours a mass of State and Shell security has assembled in Broadhaven bay including a heavily armed navy vessel.

This is to protect the first attempt at laying the offshore section of pipe.

The Gardai sealed a section of beach beside the camp illegally for an hour before retreating and now rearriving.

The bay is awash with security vessels, gardai water units and also a large Navy vessel, possibly “The Orla” which is armed with a canon and smaller guns.

This is the largest recent attempt at crushing any resistance to the Shell project.
There is also a heavy Garda presence on land with protesters being intimidated,filmed and harassed.

Solidarity needed!

Anti-shell flotilla
Today’s activity off Glengad marks yet another escalation of the state’s response to protests against the destruction of Erris and the Great Gas Robbery. The arrival in the bay of the LE Orla about 12 pm today with her 39 crew onboard may be intended to show the Irish people that the state will tolerate no protest or action by anybody, not least Ireland’s citizens, against Shell’s plans.

The involvement of the Naval Service in the ‘policing’ of Broadhaven Bay for Shell is a first for Ireland’s navy – the first time one of their ships has been called upon by the Gardai as ‘back-up’ for a police operation against protests.

According to a Defence Forces spokesman, the LE Orla (which was formerly a British naval gunship patrolling Hong Kong) ‘was requested by Gardaí as back-up at Broadhaven Bay, Co Mayo. It is there as an aid to the civil power. It was requested to assist Gardai and provide them with a platform at sea.’

When asked if an Irish naval ship had been involved in a similar operation before, he replied: ‘Not to my immediate knowledge.’

He added: “The Naval Service has been in discussions with the Gardai about this operation. Any operation we undertake will be with the Gardai. We will not be involved in any operation independently of the Gardai.’

Shell subcontractor activity in the bay has increased today, especially with the deployment of the winching barge today to somewhere near its operating position when the Solitaire comes. News this morning is that the Solitaire has left Killybegs harbour and is somewhere on the high seas between there and Broadhaven Bay. Its arrival there is expected tomorrow at the latest. Locals and Solidarity Camp residents are on high alert, and if people can come over the next 24 hours to help people in the effort to stop Shell on the beach and in the bay they will meet with a very big welcome indeed!

Defence Forces spokesman quotes via www.breakingnews.ie


So heres the latest after a long and tense day here in the wild west from today.

The police presence was increased this morning in the area,both on land and water,that was the indication that something was about to happen

At around midday the dredger platform was towed in.

People then started to assemble from the various points in the area and about 40 cops then went onto the beach and said noone was allowed to go there as it was a\ “restricted area”.
The legality of this move was challenged in front of the TG4 camera and after half an hour the cops fucked off.and loitered thereafter for a few hours

The winch vessel was then towed across the bay

Just as they were about to go in the winch vessel turned around and headed back to the pier at Ballinglass – seemingly just a practice run who knows.

All this time there were about 5-7 security and Garda water unit boats patrolling the bay as well as the L.E Orla ,a Navy battleship with a big fuck off cannon on the front as well as smaller weaponry.

This is a full scale state and corporate assault on the bay,make no mistake.
The Solitaire,the main pipe-laying ship which Shell only have for a limited period etc is still in Killybegs,but is rumoured by both TG4 and RTE to be leaving Saturday morning.
Several Erris fishermen are still at sea standing guard over their lobster pots which Shell must remove to commence work.

They are facing extreme intimidation.

Hope some of ye can make it down or maybe do an action where ye are.
