Val de Susa TAV protests – resisting the destruction, Piedmont, Italy

July 29th 2011

July 29th 2011
Clashes continue between cops and protesters. At about midnight, over 300 people tried to pull down fences, and threw smoke bombs and stones at the police on two different fronts – the Maddalena Chiomonte archaeological dig and beneath the A32 Turin-Bardonecchia Ramat motorway viaduct. The police attacked with tear gas and water-cannons. It followed a march in Chiomonte. The motorway was closed for about 3 hours.

At least one person was taken to hospital after having a tear-gas cannister fired in his face. Many protesters wore helmets, gas masks, and were masked up. The protest camp was due to close the next day.

Vehicle checks have increased, and one politically active person was stopped and arrested with a car full of gas masks, catapults and more. Other people have been picked up and arrested in nearby towns, and a few people were arrested after they took camping equipment and clothes from shops a few days before.