Vegan Banquet for Saving Iceland – May 9, Edinburgh

On Friday 9th May we are holding a vegan banquet with live music, bar and raffle! The ticket will include all the vegan food you can eat (including desert), all the live music you can hear and all the banqueting atmosphere you can take! The Banquet starts at 7pm at Old St Pauls Hall, Edinburgh.
Tickets are £5 (unwaged / low income) and £7 (waged). All profit will go to funding the Scottish Saving Iceland Collective.

On Friday 9th May we are holding a vegan banquet with live music, bar and raffle! The ticket will include all the vegan food you can eat (including desert), all the live music you can hear and all the banqueting atmosphere you can take! The Banquet starts at 7pm at Old St Pauls Hall, Edinburgh.
Tickets are £5 (unwaged / low income) and £7 (waged). All profit will go to funding the Scottish Saving Iceland Collective.


There are two ways to get your ticket:
1) If you know someone from the Scottish Saving Iceland Collective, get
one from them!
2) Email us at to reserve yours!

If we have not sold out, there will be a limited amount of tickets
available on the door.

If you want to arrive for the entertainment afterwards then we will be
letting people in after 9.30 for a discounted price.