Vestas Blade Blockade Steps Up The Pressure By Setting Up A Tripod at Sunrise

On the morning of Thursday 10 September a tripod has now successfully been erected at the marine gate preventing blades from leaving the factory. A worker from the original occupation is currently standing at the top of the tripod as the blockade prepares for an increase in activity on both sides.

Vestas tripodOn the morning of Thursday 10 September a tripod has now successfully been erected at the marine gate preventing blades from leaving the factory. A worker from the original occupation is currently standing at the top of the tripod as the blockade prepares for an increase in activity on both sides.

10th September 2009, 7am

After more than a week of blockading the Vestas factory in Newport, Isle Of Wight, a tripod has now been erected at the marine gate preventing blades from leaving the factory. A worker from the original occupation is standing on top of the tripod enjoying a stunning view of sunrise over the River Medina.

This inspirational addition to the blockade followed a day of police intimidation that included one arrest and one person being banned from the site after receiving a dispersal order. Blockaders have also had to deal with the confiscation of one tripod before it had been erected and the dismantling of one other blockade. Workers and supporters worked together throughout the night to build the replacement tripod and carry it to the site as the sun rose. Tripod workshops have been held throughout the week as climate activists share skills with Vestas Workers. Other skillshares have included 12 volt solar installations to power the camp’s office in a caravan.

This action comes one week before a national day of action to further highlight the plight of the 600 workers made redundant by this multinational company.

“We the workers see it as our duty to stop our blades from leaving as part of the campaign to nationalize the factory. Vestas have told us that there is no demand for our products but are still unwilling to sell the site to other interested parties. It is clear the government must act on such an important issue as renewable energy production. They should not let our future be dictated solely by profit.’’

‘’We are calling on the government to invest in green jobs on the Isle of Wight and for Vestas to reinstate the eleven sacked workers who occupied the factory.’’

The workers and their supporters call on others to come and join them on the blockades over the coming days as a matter of urgency and to show support on the National Day of Action on 17th September.


Telephone number for tripod interviews with Vestas worker: 07875 098960 or 07935 868009

