Vestas Rooftop protesters to head down to NIMBY MP’s office

Vestas Rooftop protest to move to local MP constituency offices on Friday morning

Press statement- Thursday 13th August 4.30pm

After being on the roof for eleven nights, rooftop protesters will descend from the Vestas factory in East Cowes tomorrow morning (Friday) at 11am. They will then take the protest to the local MP Andrew Turner’s constituency office in Newport.

Vestas Rooftop protest to move to local MP constituency offices on Friday morning

Press statement- Thursday 13th August 4.30pm

After being on the roof for eleven nights, rooftop protesters will descend from the Vestas factory in East Cowes tomorrow morning (Friday) at 11am. They will then take the protest to the local MP Andrew Turner’s constituency office in Newport.

They say: ‘Despite the green rhetoric from the main political parties, the truth of their attitude is apparent where green jobs are allowed to be lost and local MP Andrew Turner actively opposes a wind farm on the Isle of Wight. This typifies the NIMBY attitude which is blocking the progression of on-shore wind in the UK.’

‘Andrew Turner’s justification for the opposition to Wind power on the Island includes a statement that having a windfarm on the Isle of Wight would have no effect on the Vestas work force,(1) when in fact it is the cumulative effect of decisions like these which effects demand for wind power in the UK and has directly let to the closure of Vestas with the loss of over 600 jobs.’

Timings for photo and interview opportunities;

7.30 am We will be available for interviews over the phone from this time Telephone 07944 744922.

11am Protesters will abseil down from the side of the Vestas building, Columbine Road, Venture Quays, East Cowes, Isle of Wight and, alongside vestas workers, will be available for media interviews.

1pm – We will be at Andrew Turner’s constituency surgery requesting to talk to him on camera, to discuss his objections to Wind power on the Isle Of Wight, and his stance on NIMBYism

There will be a photo and interview opportunity at this time.
Address: 24 The Mall, Carisbrooke, P030 1BW
tel. 01983 530808

Rooftoppers Email address:
Telephone on the roof: Martin: 07944744922

Notes to editors:

1) Based on Andrew Turners response to windfarm application: ref. TCP/27774,P/01400/06)
paragraph begining: ‘I do not accept that a convincing…’
Copies of which will be available tomorow.