Work restarts at Mainshill, resistance needed!

Forestry Commission workers this morning re-started clear-felling large areas of plantation in preparation for a new open cast coal mine. When the clear-felling started in June, Mainshill solidarity camp was set up to stop work on the site and occupy it, preventing any further felling and preventing any of the wood being removed from the site. Support is needed to prevent this destruction.

Forestry Commission workers this morning re-started clear-felling large areas of plantation in preparation for a new open cast coal mine. When the clear-felling started in June, Mainshill solidarity camp was set up to stop work on the site and occupy it, preventing any further felling and preventing any of the wood being removed from the site. Support is needed to prevent this destruction.

The area of plantation is well within the intended excavation area on the site. In addition, Scottish Coal have still not carried out the extensive ecological survey at Mainshill that was a condition of the planning approval. How can an accurate survey be conducted after all the woodland has been removed? Badger sets, bats and nests of birds of prey have all bee seen in the plantation at Mainshill.

The Solidarity Camp will stop any work from taking place on the site in preparation for the nine – there is no community consent for this project.

Come to the camp this week to resist more clear-felling – the longer preparatory work is delayed, the greater the cost to Scottish Coal and the stronger this campaign grows!