York Critical Mass – Short report and Images

1 Dec 2006

York Critical Mass December 1
York Critical Mass December 21 Dec 2006

York saw the successful restart to Critical Masses continue for another First Friday of the Month ride. The December turn out had plenty of tinsel and ‘Father Christmas’ hats around. In amongst overwhelmingly supportive motorists – often at first bemused, but then with smiles – the mass made a safe space to ride round York, taking the roads for non-polluting traffic.

Through the centre of town the motor traffic was crawling as slowly as ever, holding the mass up. On the way out up Leeman Road, a distinctly cyclist unfriendly road, with lots of central islands and a bit of a motorists speed run, the mass made a comfortable pace. Two motorists did their bit to try and pass, one failing terribly and sadly the driver held up a bus for a minute.

Near the end of the ride it was nice to see Fossgate again taken over for non-motor traffic.