Growing Resistance – trip to Cousland – Saturday 21st August 2010

Growing Resistance is an event organised by Coal Action Scotland, in solidarity with Communities Against Airfield Open Cast, taking place during the Camp For Climate Action, which this year is in Edinburgh.

Growing Resistance is an event organised by Coal Action Scotland, in solidarity with Communities Against Airfield Open Cast, taking place during the Camp For Climate Action, which this year is in Edinburgh.

For two years the community surrounding Airfield Farm have been objecting to Scottish Coals plans to open cast the area in order to remove two million tons of coal. In an independent survey 95% of local residents object to the planned mine. Despite this, Scottish Coal is pushing ahead with the plans, and the very real fear is that Midlothian Council will give them the go ahead. To show the local people that they are not alone in this struggle we are asking people to join us on Saturday the 21st on the threatened land.

We will have information from Coal Action Scotland and the Coal Action Network, speakers from the local community and other communities in Scotland plagued by the coal industry and a tour of the land under threat. There will be a bike caravan setting of from Climate Camp, via Edinburgh, arriving about 3pm, and minibus shuttles from Climate Camp and the nearby town of Dalkieth. For travel directions see here.

If you want up to date information about travel or get lost call our Transport Line number: 07984706188 (only available from Saturday morning onwards)

If you have any questions please email us at coalactionscotland [at]

If you can’t make the event but still want to help the Cousland community then please send an objection letter.